Do you find yourself wondering how to be a highly effective teacher that can demo and spot, without compromising your body in the process? This 60-minute discussion will dive deep on different coaching strategies that will not only keep your body from being sacrificed to your students' gains, but give you a tool box full of new teaching skills to better reach more types of students. Together we’ll collaboratively examine and practice ways to preserve their teaching body. 

About Your Facilitator:
Cirque Instructabiity is a collaboration between veteran pole and aerial coaches Ashley Robinson and Erinina Marie Ness. It is a new continuing education series, designed specifically for instructors that are looking to enhance their teaching practices. Together they have 24 years of coaching in the industry, combined with CSCS, EMT, RYT, CPT, HMS and CES and over 20 specialty certifications.

ACE Discussion June - Instruct Not Destruct: Teaching Up Without Breaking Down (Cirque Instructability)

  • June 18, 2024